Wednesday, March 30, 2011

MMMM: Pants

MMMM = My Momma Made Me

Kelis has been growing out of her pants really quickly. I want to be able to just whip her up one using some scrap fabric rather than running out and purchasing one. I've made about two prior to this one but they were pretty much duds. I'm proud to say this is not a dud and she can actually wear this one outside.

It's made using a linen fabric I purchased before she was born to make pillows. I made one pillow and decided I didn't like the fabric. It was pretty inexpensive when I purchased it so I think I have about 2 or 3 yards. I usually only buy 1 or 2 yards of any fabric because I never have a plan for them. I am an impulsive fabric shopper.

I made the pattern using a pair of pants that fits her pretty well.
So here they are...I'm actually pretty impressed with the cuffs. They were kind of an afterthought. I just measured the width of the bottom of the leg and measured how high I wanted it and started sewing. I'll go into more detail with the next pants I make. I'll give you all a step by step process.

Here's a short lil clip of Kelli enjoy her new pants!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ouch: A tooth

I didn't think I would start a "Ouch" category but it seems like the direction we're going in. Kelis' first tooth is starting to sprout. As excited as I am, I don't think she is. Simply hurts! She has been very grouchy. She is usually very giggly and calm. For the past 48 hours or so she's been whiny and seemingly uncomfortable. Her Baba (aka grandfather) purchased some baby orajel and a new teething ring (she owns like 1255000 already). She does like that new ring though.

I've been trying to have a pic of her with every post but it's harder to do than I thought. It doesn't help much that she has been so grumpy.

Maybe tomorrow...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Detective Game

I've been away from the blog for a few days. While away, I attempted to play some homemade games with Kelis' cousin. I started to realize that I was having more fun than he was. I guess he was a little too old to play the games I wanted to play. He was more interested in watching Yo Gabba Gabba.

One of the games I called Detective. I drew random images on paper that I saw around the house and he had to be a "detective" and find it. I told him that he was on an important mission and had to find these items before the time ran out. I must say I had a good time drawing and he sucked as a detective.

Playing games with him made me eager to play those kinds of games with Kelis. Hopefully she'll prefer to play with me rather than watch television.

Fingers crossed.....

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kelli: The Walker

Kelis' nana got her a walker yesterday from Target. We purchased the last one!!!! I couldn't wait to go home and put that badboy together. I was so excited to see my lil baby girl walk in her walker. As soon as we got home, I pulled out the camera and was ready to record her running through the dining room. I put her in and...... she just stood there and played with the toys. Her lil feet barely touch the ground. Anyhow she seem to like it although my little brother had more fun playing with it than she did. (He's in the 4th grade, shame on him!)
I am currently pleased with the purchase. My only hiccup is that I wish I was able to adjust it a bit lower so her feet will be firmly on the ground.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kelli: Say Mama

While giving Kelis a bath I recorded her trying to say Mama. It was tooooo cute. I'll try it again later while she's fully clothed so I can show you all. I'm super excited. Meanwhile here she is....
Doesn't she look me she's not. She just spotted a nice little comb on the bed that she plans to put in her mouth. Don't believe me eh? Here's a short video.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ouch: Flu Shots!

Kelli went to the doctors today to get her flu and hep b shot. I'm sure the shots hurt me more than they hurt her. She cries for two seconds then it's over. Me? I'm still crying in my head an hour later.

She's such a trooper and I'm such a punk. I can't be the only one! Lemme know.

Enjoy the beautiful weather folks! That's all for today.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Kelli: Just Because

I'm enjoying being a mom! Some days I look at my lil Kelli and think "my gosh she's cute!" I'm sure every parent goes through that. When I'm feeling that way I pop out one of my cameras and snap snap snap! I think at 7 months, she knows that when she sees a camera she's suppose to smile and be extra cute. Here's my photo from yesterday.

Ohh and by the way, you'll notice that I'll be calling her all kinds of different nick names. I haven't been able to commit to one so I'll just be rotating them all!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Loaded Hearts Slouchy Hat

I crocheted this hat for Kelis a few days ago. I just love slouchy/rasta hats. I don't see many of them for babies tho. This one has extra slouch! It saw sun for the first time yesterday. She wore it on our little stroll to the post office. She and the hat looked lovely if I do say so myself (and I do).
Here's the specs:
Yarn: Loops & Threads Impeccable Yarn - Solids
Yarn Color: Gray
Accents: Hand cut felt hearts. Light pink, purple, bright pink and yellow
1 Rhinestone

If you want a tutorial of how I attached the felt please let me know!

If you want to purchase a slouchy hat for your sweetie pie here's a link to one that I sell online. Click here

My Intro

I'm starting this blog to showcase all of the VERY random things I make for my daughter Kelis. She is now 7 months old! YAY KELIS! She is growing so fast that I wanted to make sure I had a place to document her growth. This blog will display my journey as a mom, Kelis' growth, all the the stuff I make her and tutorials and goodies along the way.

I hope you guys enjoy!!!

Oh and please do not use any photos (especially of Kelis) that I post without my permission. Thanks!

Here's a super short video of my KelBelz wearing some things I've made her.
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